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Table of Contents


1) Who this book is for

a) For the Veteran Actor -  42 VIP interviews, insights, new tips for getting work in New England.

b) For the Beginner Actor  -  Get started acting this week!

c) For Producers and crew -   Learn about the actor's perspective and process.


2) Types of Work Available for Actors and Models in New England

A surprisingly vast and diverse list opportunities for the actor to work


3) The Actor's Promotional Materials


     Tips for taking great headshots

     Meet our top local New England Headshot photographers


     Your First Resume for the beginner actor

     How Your Resume evolves and changes format with your career.

     Different Resumes for different Markets: your resume will look different for New England, NY and L.A.

     Special skills you might consider obtaining and listing

Commercial Credits List

     have it, then file it away

Comp Cards / Print work

     Comp Card essentials     

Demo reels

     Your personality slate

     Great ways to get your footage from film, TV, commercials

             Who to ask for your footage, how and when

             Online footage providers for your National and Network roles

     Video Editors: the best way to find an affordable, solid editor.

Business cards

     practically free, must-haves for your card

License, Passport, Social Security Card.


     The basics you must own for both men and women

Your Actor/Model Make up kit

     interview: Jean Carney - Make up tips for actors, from a 25 year veteran Union Makeup artist.

     interview: Laurel Wiley - Purchasing the best products and application hints.

Your monologue

    Theatrical comedic, where to find the best ones for you

Cold reads

     Pulling the words from the page

Your digital online presence

     Agency Pro

     Actors Access

     Casting Networks

     Your own personal Actor website - Looking great on a budget.

     Places to Post your Actor Profile online

     The top Facebook sites for NE actors.


4) New England Classes and Training

The Best Group Acting Classes available in New England.

     CP Casting

     Boston Casting

     Our other Acting Schools

     interview: Scott Fielding - Michael Chekov Studio Boston, acting with depth.

     interview: Lau Lapides - Lau Lapides Acting Studio, getting you fully to New York.

     interview: Steve Blackwood - Master Class and Cold reading Sessions.

Private coaches

     interview: Peter Kelly. What an on-set coach can do for you

     interview: Emmanuelle Chaulet.  Acting with deep spiritual awareness.


     interview with Troy Desmond Smith - Toastmasters and what it can do for you.

Getting Special Skills


     ear prompter

Stage Combat

     New England Stunt Schools for Actors

     The Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD)

     The author's experiences in training locally

     interview with Mark Bedell - Stage Combat Training and work in New England.

Casting Director Workshops

     Tips on attending casting workshops

     Three questions you need to ask yourself.

     How to say NO to pay for play.

Scams and how identify and avoid them


5) A Word About The Craft of Acting


6) Creative Networking

Ten tips for a great coffee meeting. Proven advice.

Using social media, facebook, twitter, etc to the max.

Maximizing Youtube and Vimeo

Woman in Film

     interview: Shannon Vossler, Board Member. Proven Networking Stories from real Meetings!

Networking and discovering your connections at The Six New England Film Offices

Mass Production Coalition - The benefits of joining

     interview: Patricia Hohl - Mass Production Coalition

Film festivals - How to work the room and have fun too.

     Complete list of New England Regional festivals

Some great words of advice for the shy.


7) Business Help and Emotional Inspiration for Actors

Publicists - Should you use one for your career?

     interview: Josh Mitchell - when should you hire a publicist, and why?

     knowing your type - and why it matters.

Dallas Travers - Free resources for actors!

Kristine Oller - Emotional and practical support for the actor (and my great friend)

     interview: Kristine Oller - Change Strategist

New England Actors Network

Talent Tools - One stop shopping

     interview: Becki Dennis - Talent Tools. Services for Actors.

How to acknowledge and celebrate your actor milestones.


8) Especially for Child Actors

Online resources for the child actor.

     How to be a successful stage parent

     Interview: Natalia Wallace - programs and resources for child actors

Coogan Law - what you need to know

Income taxes - special rules for minors.

Wonderful quotes from a happy child actor - who is working

Classes and camps especially for children

Expanding to NY and L.A. with your child.

     Interview: Natasha Colonero - using an agent with your child actor


9) New England Casting Offices

Interviews with our top Casting Directors  - up close and personal.

     Carolyn Pickman talks about what actor traits she sees getting booked in her office

     Angela Peri reviews her casting process for "American Hustle". (contributor Becki Dennis)

     Anne Mulhall shares her favorite auditioning tips, and how to win her casting room

     Jodi Purdy reveals some awesome stories from her casting and wrangling.

     John Campanello spells out exactly what you need to do to stay on his casting radar.

     Kristie Raymond - Viewfinder Productions, how to perform your best at a go-see.

Tips on registering and keeping good relations with casting offices.

     What can I do if Boston Casting and C.P. are not calling me in for auditions.

     Learn how each CD wants to be approached and kept appraised of your career

Meals for monologues

About the offices, each on has it's own style

     CP Casting

     Boston Casting

     LDI casting

     Jody Purdy casting

     Viewfinder productions

     Christine Wyse

     John Campanello

     Slate Casting


10) New England Agents

Interviews with our top New England Agents

     Maggie Inc - (Interview) Casey, Owner

     The Cameo Agency - (Interview)  Lynda St. James, detailed advice for child actors and their parents.

     Image makers models - (Interview) Suzanne, exactly what photos you need for your modeling Career.

     Portland Model and Talent -(Interview)  Patricia Campbell, guidance for making it successfully as a model.

     Exxcel Model and Talent - (Interview)  Susan Lunetta,  how you can be fully repped in New York.

     Model Club Inc - (Interview)  Andrew P. Wilson, SAG Franchised and expanding 

     Andrew Wilson Agency

When do you need an agent?

How does it help to have an agent?

How to get an agent.

Tips on maintaining a great relationship with your agent.


11) At the Audition

Understanding The five different types of auditions you will attend.

     The go-see,  The Impromptu Interview,  The Improv session,  scripted, with a reader, with a partner.

General audition tips.

     Working the board properly.

     Working comfortable and effectively with your reader

     communicating with your session runner and camera operator

     Turning your slate into gold.

     A few good auditioning tips from Carolyn Pickman and Anne Mulhall

Knowing, developing and respecting your process.


12) New England Work and How to get it

Print Modeling

      Commercial Print

      Fashion Print


     Equity Theaters and auditions, interview with Our own Equity Rep.

     Regional and Community Theater     

     Improv Theater and Troups

     Dinner theater, interview with Judith Kalaora

Stand up Comedy

      The best training
      The best venues

Film and Television

Student films

     Karl's original contracts, ensuring that you get copy credit and payment and more

          have a clear agreement

          get compensated properly

          how to get your footage, hassle-free

          how to get production to sign it and when.

Background Work (Film, TV, Commercial, Industrials)

      Clearing up some mis-information about background work

      on-set tips and etiquette to make you stand out, and get called back

Standin Work

     10 things you MUST know about being a standin.

     Real life stories from standins we can learn from.

Photo Double -  what it is what you do, how it pays.

Principal roles

     understanding and building your relationship with the camera, DP and director

     Ahhhh, your own trailer and some other perks

Brand ambassador, live promotional work.

      How to get live promotional work

      interview with Judith Kalaora

Tourguide, Historical Intrepetor

      How to get the work, and what it is like

Patient Portrayal for Medical Training

Client Portrayal for Legal Training

hear from the experts on demos and training

     interview: Jordan Rich, producer of thousands of Voice Spots.
     interview: Mike Jablon, business tips for your Voice Over Career

     interview: Sonny Dufault, Prior manager at SoundTrack Studios.

     Your Home studio - easier than you think.

     Online places to get the VO work

     The Best Training in Boston

     Your demo reel, what should be on it, where and how to make it.

Host, Spokesperson

Industrial Videos

Cruise Lines

    how to find the annual auditions and prepare for them

Disney Auditions Come to Town

Party Entertainer (clown, princess, magician, etc)

     Interview: Craig Sutton - Live Talent for all occasions

The School Circuit - and how to work it.


13) Even More Creative Ways to get Jobs

Making the most of online resources.

Backdoor Ways to get an audition

True stories from New England Actors:

     Their most unusual acting, highest paying and inspiring Jobs

     How much money did they make for that Gig? Wow!

     How did they get that Job? ...Not from a casting director, or usual audition

Taking advantage of other great organizations in our industry

1) The SAG Board

     Interview with Bill Mootos, on joining the SAG Board

2) Mass Production Coalition.

     Interview with Patricia Hohl - the benefits of membership for actors

3) Film Festivals

     How to work the Room, and yes, have fun doing it.



14) Meet the Producers (Special chapter on our coworkers)

Interview with professional makeup artists.

     Donald Mowat - Head of Make up Dept, “Fighter, Fever Pitch, etc”

     Jean Carney - make up tips for actors, from a 25 year veteran Union Makeup artist.

     Laurel Wiley - Make up for Actors,  best products and application.

Have you considered becoming a make-up artist yourself?

Kevin Dibaccio, Dibaccio Films - How the first film in Maine to get international distribution was created


15) New England Studios

Interview:  Chris Byers, New England Studios founder.

     What Movies have come through so far?

     Will local Actors will be working in the studios soon?


16) On the set

Safety on the Set

Who are the Crew and what they do?  PA, AD, director, etc


17) Unions


     When to join SAG-AFTRA is the right time.

          Ahh, SAG-Eligible, the sweetest place to be

     How to join SAG-AFTRA

          SAG-AFTRA Joining Qualifications

          New Media your way into the Union

          Getting your Vouchers

     Tips and advice from the SAG Office.

     Financial Core, what you need to know

Interviews with SAG AFTRA board members

     Bill Mootos on Being on the SAG Board

     Paul Horn - SAG-AFTRA Board (Previous President), on when and how to join the Unions.

     Doing Non-Union projects, even though you are union?

     Meet an actor who stayed non union and is earning a living.

     Some early problems I experienced regarding the union.

Disabilities, rights and opportunities


     When and how to join Equity


18) A word about the New York and Hollywood, the Larger Markets

Working in New York



     ride sharing

     worthwhile programs and offices

Working in Los Angeles

     When to go, and how to prepare

     Up close Interview: Mary Lou Belli Sitcom Director (Heart of Dixie)

     Up close Interview: Chris Black Writer/Producer (Madmen, Desperate Housewives)

Which City is the best choice for me?


19) Living in New England, working Nation wide

Tom Kemp - Case study, his story and how he does it

The Author's experience of working in Los Angeles and New York


20) Successful West Coast Actors Moving to and making it in the New England Market

Steve Blackwood - Making it work

Hester Schell - The Tons of hidden opportunities she found


21) Day jobs / Survival jobs

25 Favorite day jobs for Actors you will love in New England.

     a complete, and creative list

Have you considered a day Job (beside acting) within our industry?

     Professional Make up Artist

     PA, Editor, Reader, Camera Operator, etc.


22) Managing the Money

Unemployment insurance - how its earned, legally and ethically by actors.

Income Taxes - Five must have tips to save money from the Tax experts.

     Interview with Actors Tax Prep in Los Angeles

The Actors Fund - get a little help from our friends plus a free pair of shoes.


23) Supporting New England Tax Incentives

Meet Some Business Owners who thrive because of our industry and Tax Credits.

Interview with Chuck Slavin, knowledgeable supporter of the tax incentives.


24) Appendices

Glossary of Industry Terms you should know.

Resources by State

A Complete list of Online Resources

Recommended Books by local authors


© 2014 by Karl Steudel

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