preparing for your Headshots
Find The Best Training
Improve your Resume
How and when to Join the Unions
Meet the Casting Directors close up
Stand up Comedy
Comp Cards
The Complete Guide to Acting in New England
"The Complete Guide to Acting in New England" is almost here! This landmark book has been carefully crafted, over 4 years in the making, with over 92 interviews, and investigative research. This is THE book we all wish we had starting out. Now, you can savor this personal travel companion while navigating every nook and cranny of acting in New England. I am very excited for the upcoming release date!
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Never before in New England has there been a SINGLE resource like this for actors.
For the beginner...
This book will get you on your feet, up and running right away. An entire chapter is for the beginner actor explains step by step exactly what you need to get started... headshot, resume, online profiles, agents, classes and more. (When I started out, I paid $100 for one class and also, $60 for a private consultation, just to hear the basics of how this business of acting worked in New England).
For the experienced, working New England actor...
Most of you reading this, are my long-time peers in this wonderful New England Market. As a minimum, I think you will find this book a pleasure to read. But more , you will so find many friends, coworkers and employers who you have worked with in the past, interviewed here, telling their stories., sharing their insights and expertise. Interviews that you will find nowhere else. You will also discover creative ways to get more work! There are Employment Opportunities that exist for us actors, beyond the obvious realms of screen and stage. Allow yourself to be informed and entertained as you read the intimate interviews with our top Casting Directors, Agents, Producers and Studio owners. - All of their expertise and advice, right at your fingertips.
After acting in New England Successfully for a couple decades, i thought I knew a great deal. It turns out, in writing this book, I have learned so much more from the 80 plus people who I personally interviewed, and now you will too.